Mangrove Forest Tour., Dugong Village
Mangrove Forest Tour., Dugong Village
Mangrove Forest Tour., Dugong Village
Mangrove Forest Tour., Dugong Village
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Mangrove restorlation

Currently, mangrove forest resources in Trang Province have a mangrove forest area of approximately 204,430 rai, while the mangrove forest area remains in good condition in the amount of 153,779.55 rai. Which is in the area of 5 districts, 27 sub-districts, including Kantang District, Palian District Mueang Yan Ta Khao District, Sikao District and Hat Samran District.

Mangrove is important ecological functions such as providing nurseries for fish and protecting coastlines from storm surges.

The benefits of the mangrove forest are kindergarten to other environments, and can also reduce carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as well.

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